夸克网盘 豆瓣电影TOP250合集 1080P蓝光 国英多国音轨 内封简英特效字幕 【经典收藏】:https://pan.quark.cn/s/6cf3bc3885f4


杀手信徒第三季 第04集



  It's been a year since Joe Carroll's arrest and Ryan Hardy has moved on with his life. Carroll is scheduled to be executed in a  month's time and Hardy has not seen or spoken to him. Ryan also has a new girlfriend, Gwen. Mike Weston is back after a long absence but his relationship with Max Hardy ended when he left. All of those involved have to face a new threat when a small group led by Mark start staging scenes of some the FBI's activities in their pursuit of Carroll. The body count begins to rise rapidly.


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